
Do you like to golf? Me either!
I am a Man
From Atlantic, Iowa, United States
Age 70 y.o.
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Average
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Christian
Marital status Widow
Children 3
Want children No
Education Some college
Speak English
I look for a woman, 50-59 y.o. any ethnicity for activity partner, friendship, marriage, relationship, romance, travel partner
Preferable height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Preferable body type Average
Last login: hidden

More about me:

There are many things I do enjoy. Downhill skiing, snow machining, playing billiards, going to a live concert, grilling outside (love a great steak grilled rare), or making a great home cooked meal (I am a really good cook. I know this because no one has ever died eating my food).
I know my way around horses and enjoy horseback riding. Would love to go to a drive-in again to see a movie, but sadly, they are hard to find anymore. Good conversation with my one and only. Tremendously enjoy spontaneous teasing, playing and spending intimate alone time with my sweetheart. A subtle kiss on the neck from behind. An unexpected hug, giving or receiving. I have no problem telling the one I love, that I love her and have problem showing her she is loved. After dinner, I will likely do the dinner dishes while you go relax with a glass of wine or even a beer. I love the simple things in life.

I am a country boy. Born in Tulsa, raised in Denver and spent 20 plus years in Alaska. Love the Alaska lifestyle and living in the forest amongst the wild animals. Having traveled extensively throughout America, I feel blessed to have been able to see so much of our beautiful land. I have been to many of the great monuments and historical places from coast to coast and witnessed the beauty that is America. There are still so many great places to see. While I am not currently in my beloved Alaska, it is and always will be home. (I have many friends and family there). What a beautiful journey that trip is each time I take it! I always see new, exciting and beautiful things every trip. It would be a grand way for the special woman in my life to see such a beautiful place in our America. You will need your passport. In the mean time, let's just get to know one another. I am a little rough around the edges. I am not perfect. I have my flaws. But then, doesn't everyone? I am working on those and with God's help, I will get through them. And yes, I know I need to lose a little around the middle. Working on that. But, it seems no matter how many sit-ups I do, it doesn't make a difference. Anyone else have that problem? Otherwise, I am in great shape.

About my ideal partner:

Can you have more than one soul mate in a lifetime? Perhaps. One such woman has passed, and I believe my last best friend and lover is somewhere in America. A woman who has a strong love of God, family and country. A Christian woman. A woman who possesses a sense of humor, passion, honesty, loyalty, integrity, resilience, humbleness, compassion, empathy and courage. These are the things I look for in a mate...And long hair. I love long hair on a woman. There is just something magical, sexy and sensual about it. Don't judge me, I can't help it, it's a weakness.

More photos of me:

  • Enjoying a beer after Thanksgiving, 2013
  • 'Reb' and me working with the backhoe

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