
Shy 29 year old, looking for Love ^^
I am a Man
From Reading, United Kingdom
Age 39 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman, 27-33 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

Hello everyone, my name's Chris, im 29 years old.
I suffer from mild depression, learning difficulties and I have issues with my memory. I would describe myself as a kind-hearted guy who is always willing to help others.
Sometimes I can be a right derp where I try to speak but not only do I end up confusing myself but the people I chat too aswel xD
I like to have fun with friends, as I love a good laugh as much as the next guy/girl.
Unfortunately I am very shy when meeting someone new for the first time and most often than not 'clam-up' im not trying to be rude, honest! x3
But when I open up... Good luck trying to shut me up! x'D
In my spare time (A lot of spare time btw) I like to draw, mainly I focus my designs around Anime based characters.
I love reading booking as you can get totally lost in another world (sounds like fun!) and enter into the lives of your authors characters :3
I also love video games, not because people who play them are "lazy" but to me, they are just another source of entertainment like watching a movie, not too mention I grew up with video games since child hood.
On top of all this I like to write my own stories I.e. fantasy, manga, action etc, I have written a few but I find myself writing another without finishing the one before ^^';

More photos of me:

  • Shy 29 year old, looking for Love ^^
  • Shy 29 year old, looking for Love ^^

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