
I am a Woman
From Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Age 36 y.o.
Height 4'8" - 4'11" (141-150cm)
Body type Slim
Ethnicity African American
Religion Agnostic
Marital status Single
Children No
Want children Yes
Education College student
Occupation Student and Tax Preparer
Speak English
Smoker No
Drinker Rarely
I look for a man, 25-40 y.o. any ethnicity for activity partner, friendship, relationship, romance, travel partner
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

Well first off, I'm not good at communicating or keeping a conversation going. If it requires a simple 'yes or no' that's all I reply with.

I love anything scifi. I read scifi/fanstasy/adventure books.

I enjoy animals a lot. I have a small dog who is 2, and I would love to have more. I also really love beardies which is odd because I don't enjoy reptiles much.

I'm currently in school for a degree in math and biology. I'd like to become a math teacher and perhaps take biology into the pharmaceutical field.

I enjoy horror and adventure movies most. Comedies don't make me laugh ironically.

One thing to point out is that I do have a physical disability. And I take medicine for depression. I have extreme mood swings, but I work very hard to better myself. And am learning how to deal in healthier ways through counseling.

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