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Looking for love..not blust
I am a Woman
From Los Angeles, California, United States
Age 31 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a man any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

i will block you if you send me any disguisting /disrespectful messages. im into music , cosmetology , art , history , pychology , intuition ,astral travel/projection , the nibiru/anunnaki theory ,nature ,im a very intuitive person i like to be outside no matter if its hot or cold , i love winter its beautiful. i love walking i would rather walk then dive a car. i kno who iam and i know what i want and whats good for me i will cut out any negetivity in my life because i have no room for it. that part of my life is over. i dont have much of a life now that i have a child but it is alot better then it use to be im looking for new friends maybe more i recently cut alot of people out of my life because of thenegetivity so im just lookingfor some new friends to hang out with.myson will always come first if i meet someone who thinks otherwise i will close the door on them.

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