
Well trying something new
I am a Man
From Elizabethtown, Kentucky, United States
Age 36 y.o.
Height 6'0" - 6'3" (181-190cm)
Body type Slim
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Spiritual
Marital status Single
Children No
Want children Yes
Education High School graduate
Speak English
Smoker Often
Drinker Rarely
I look for a woman, 18-35 y.o. any ethnicity for activity partner, friendship, relationship, romance, casual, travel partner
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

My name is Scott and I'm 28 years old. I like to do anything outdoors. I work a lot and I love what I do. I like all kind of music. If you want to know more send me a message.

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