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I am a Woman
From Springfield, Ohio, United States
Age 53 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a man any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

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Hello. I'm new to all this. I'm 45 with three grown children two grand daughters. I've been with the same man for 25 plus years until about a month ago, I had been thinking about the new year coming and got to thinking i didn't want to be unhappy for another year, I'm not getting any longer. And the thought of leaving my secured comfortable life scared the hell out of me but I did it i found an apartment close to work seeing how I don't drive (bad accident a few years ago left me with the fear of driving, crazy i know) I packed all my stuff' The look on his his face was priceless because he hadn't taken me serious til that day' He said i crushed his world, when mine had already been crushed. Anyway I'm like this new person now looking for new people to talk with and i may have kind od lost myself in relationship because I'm not sure what things I really like or What things I want to try new. Somebody just talk to me so i know I'm not the only one going throug this.

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