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Any Mr.right here ?
I am a Woman
From Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States
Age 39 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a man any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

About me? Let's see. Well I am not too fond of speaking about myself so Ill just cut to the chase..I'm attracted to a beautiful mind..Someone that can hold down a decent conversation..that's cardinal.. a killer body /pretty face don't mean a thing to me if you got the personality of a dead fish..It is going to take more than a 6 pack(I can get one on my own at a liquor store) or a Hollywood cleavage. so please don't bore me with hi/how u/wuu2.I'm way past those mundane robotic like conversations, so let us not waste each others time and please spare me the sexting. I am not here for that. I said decent conversations. I am a single woman, sexually open minded, curvy and beautiful, brown hair, hazel eyes and open to finding love and maybe even having children one day.

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