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where is the love
I am a Man
From Schuylkill haven, Pennsylvania, United States
Age 62 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

I need someone who really wants to spend quality time with me. know one should feel alone in a relationship. Always seems like im the one trying to be affectionate but never get it in return. I love to joke around and am into the cuddling and affection which I feel a relationship should have. Im not overbearing just like to hug for no reason and be affectionate. its important to keep the fire burning for a long relationship, a lot of people just get use to being with each other and the magic that once was at the beginning of the relationship slips away....I feel that a couple needs to keep up with the closeness throughout their relationship. I live in the country, am a musician, love sports and dirt bikes and can fix anything....I will send you a picture if your interested in me, I feel im a pretty good looking guy but its not always about looks. I want the woman to like the person within

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