
Hi dunno what to say
I am a Woman
From Cotabato, Philippines
Age 31 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a man any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

I am a unusually friendly person with a forceful manner.
My zodiac says that i am only conscious about myself.
My needs comes first.
I guess it's undeniably true.
When I want something, i get it.
i WANT it. that's all that counts. :]
I am concerned to the world only as it relates to myself.
But who could call me truely selfish?
For i am perfectly willing to lavish my smiles and do favors on those who satisfies my demands. :]
I am straight to the point.
no shilly-shallying.
this disarming naivete reality is the reason why i am FEARLESS.
I fear nothing and no one.
until i get burned.
but then, i'll heal.
and trustingly try again. :]

More photos of me:

  • Hi dunno what to say
  • Boring me

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