
I am a Man
From Freeport, Illinois, United States
Age 68 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman, 37-57 y.o. white/asian/latino for activity partner, friendship, marriage, relationship, romance
Preferable height 6'0" - 6'3" (181-190cm)
Preferable body type Average
Last login: 3 months and more

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From ZH.. Japan's Lonely Single Men Are Settling For Virtual Reality


"Fundamentally, human beings are primates and we behave like them when rules allow.

Women (female primates) marry up the social heirarchy, men marry down.

So, women who have in particular, successful careers, move up and find fewer acceptable partners, while the males have no such problems. Historically, women simply formed harems and married the more successful, higher status males who had all the resources. We have about 2x as many female ancestors as male; women have about a 95% chance of successfully procreating, men about 60%. About 1/3 of males failed entirely to have children.

=> These low status males tend to form gangs, movements, armies to overthrow the established hierarchy, establish their own, and therefore attain the social status required to find a mate (antifa, ISIS and similar).

The problem => is the breakdown of the concept of marriage, which is the equal distribution of females to males.

making hay and not enough of it..
Another house renovation, came with land and a barn, a big barn that can be a arena and stables, but it is just a shell and there is so much hay in it..Small squares. Bromegrass with some alfalfa.. not really horse hay.

Oh, please note that You don't have a problem with me being one handed.. Most pitbulls do.

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