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Hopeful Romantic...
I am a Man
From Sutherlin, Oregon, United States
Age 55 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

I am a music teacher and pianist. I love jazz and classical and all points in between. I love to work hard and play soft. I am tender in my heart from being BIG hurt so be gentle. I am also quite strong in many other ways, however. I cook and clean and garden and fix things and invent stuff and...well, most of all I like to laugh at life, at myself, and at the world but I do take my life seriously regarding my work and my goals. I love kids and dogs. I love building blanket forts. But I also enjoy elegant dinners by firelight with the sound of the surf serenading the date.

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