
Looking for my muse and partner in crime
I am a Man
From Bradenton, Florida, United States
Age 54 y.o.
Body type Ample
Marital status Single
Children No
Want children No matters
Occupation Artist
Speak English
I look for a woman any ethnicity for relationship, romance, casual
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

Besides being advantageously ambitious most of my life, being a 14 year tattoo veteran, children's book author, illustrator, painter, inventor, philanthropist and founder of nonprofit organization, poet, rock musician and vocalist, songwriter, and overall smartass. But at the end of the day, I find that gratitude invites greatness, so I'm thankful for every waking moment I have to be inspired before I expire. One last thing: considering how much of a sexual beast I am, finding a match would rock

My interests:

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  • Looking for my muse and partner in crime
  • Looking for my muse and partner in crime
  • Looking for my muse and partner in crime

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