
seeking for companionship
I am a Man
From Vancouver, Washington, United States
Age 35 y.o.
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Athletic
Religion Other
Marital status Single
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Education College student
Occupation looking for work
Speak English
Income $10,000/year and less
Drinker No
I look for a woman, 20-50 y.o. any ethnicity for activity partner, friendship, romance, casual, pen pal
Preferable height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Preferable body type Athletic
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

This might be a bit different. It has been 5 years since I have been with anyone or even held someone. Im not really looking for anything serious or permanent. And im not really looking for sex (though I would be lying if I said I didn't want it). Im not feeling desperate but I am feeling starved for touch, quite simply.

I live in Vancouver and I just recently turned 30. I finally wised up enough to get my wisdom teeth removed recently, and I have a niece and nephew who I frequently visit. Other than that most of my friends have... left in one way or another recently, so im feeling the absence.

As for who I am, I wouldn't know the best way to put it, not special but somewhat unusual. I have a huge passion for philosophy, always been known for the guy who thinks to much or asks to many questions. I have been involved with sports my whole life with my favorite and most active two being soccer and track. I took martial arts for about 4 years or so as well, kinda lost count. I was pretty close to making the Olympics in one event back in college. But don't mistake me for a jock, im really more of a nerd.

Ive always had a wonder and facination in science, especially theoretical physics. Thats actually where the philosophy comes in. You see the further you get into physics, the more and more you have to think about philosophy. Of what is nature and reality. When you start going smaller and smaller, you realize nothing is even there. Beyond the atoms, the subatomic particles even the quarks and strings. Theres a size imperceptible to us because light can't reach it without causing a black hole at the density, but theres no reason things can't get smaller forever. The same goes with the endless expanse of the universe.

I used to want to be a comedian, but I guess the political landscape made it hard to always find the humor, or maybe its because I got old. But im always looking for the humor in things myself, sometimes I like to even go a little dark. Point being I don't like dwelling on the negative in this politically charged time.

I am learning to write and trying to learn to make music. Whatever keeps me thinking. I practice meditation, and im volunteering for an Autistic camp this coming month.

Im not telling you all of this so you can fall in love with me, like I said thats not something I need right now. But I would like you to know a basic gist of who I am and what im about, so I don't either bore you to death, annoy the hell out of you, or otherwise give you a false expectation and allow you the judgement of if you would like to be around me. What I want is basically someone to hold. I have been missing it and I just want little more than someone to snuggle with, no sex or even serious conversation needs to be involved. But in my current position that also means im not really looking for a serious relationship either.

I am currently trying to go to school but struggling. Forced to take a abrupt break in the middle of getting a degree, I am also currently looking for work. This is a big part of the reason im not looking for anything serious, im not in the place in my life for it.

So what type of person im looking for is pretty simple. For someone who is accepting, as a personality. Someone who is attractive, but no need to be the most gorgeous person. I have standards, not unrealistic expectations. Someone who is at least somewhat healthy, im looking for someone I want to feel comfortable to touch after all. Someone with a nice or at least easy going demeanor. However I don't want to be demanding or come off that way, just let you be you.

If there could be a good friendship or more out of it, hey that might be nice too. It would be great to find someone who was interested in video games or my other hobbies I mentioned, but what I really need is the companionship.

I can be brutally honest as you can see and thats not always a good thing, I don't like to be superficial. If theres one thing ill be super picky about superficiality is it. I can be blunt but im a nice person I heart, I try to be. But its not everyones preference, my type. I would like to be nice to you.

I don't have ton's of photos of myself and I don't think I have any of myself showing my athletic body. If someone needed that for proof :P If someone wanted I could make that happen though.

Oh and as a bonus, im reeeallly good at giving massages and I like doing them too. Just so you know.

About my ideal partner:

The type of person I am looking for should be chill and laid back, nice, interesting, or have similar interests. Just enough to get along. I want someone who is good looking, but im not looking for a model just someone I am comfortable being close to.

I don't need a girlfriend or sex, or for someone to be super deep with me. Those things would all be nice, but what I really need is companionship. Oh and someone I can be honest with and who can be honest with me.

More photos of me:

  • In my yard, casual me
  • Me
  • art a friend made in characteristic of me, I love dragons
  • Club Days

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