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Looking for someone who enjoys life and has a positive outlook on life.
I am a Man
From The colony, Texas, United States
Age 82 y.o.
Height 5'0" - 5'3" (151-160cm)
Body type Average
Ethnicity Caucasian
Marital status Widow
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Education AA (2 years college)
Occupation sales/ business owner
Speak English
Smoker No
Drinker Often
I look for a woman any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

I enjoy traveling, casinos, hunting, happy hour and socializing with people.I am a active 77 yer old man who can still get around by himself. Live in my own home in a nice neighborhood. Still actively run a business and have to travel for business occasionally during the year. Have no intention of retiring in the near future because I can not see myself just sitting around doing nothing.

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