
Poetic Guy, looking for Career Gal
I am a Man
From Hometown, Pennsylvania, United States
Age 39 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

I tend to be a mother hen always worried about others, with a keen empathic insight into others. My dream in life was always to love and to be loved, to care and to be cared for. Just because I have a soft heart, doesn't mean I do not have a strong will. I'm deeply protective of those I love, and not prone to addiction. Be it from cig's which I stopped cold turkey almost a decade ago, or digital/electronic sources of addiction. Often, from childhood I would show and try to earn affection by doing domestic chores. When I love or care for someone, it is effortless and like being on autopilot for me.
Certain realities coupled with my own more subdued disposition, make this the ideal and only valid path for me, and I'm OK with that. The thought does fill my heart with apprehension and warmth, as I have always been a fairly obedient type person, coupled with my lack of relationship experience.

More often then not, I'm prone to being painfully shy, and takes me awhile to warm up to others. Lately, I have been way too reclusive, and just generally stuck in life, going nowhere fast. Alot of plans where made in my 20's, and they all kind of crashed and burned due to a lack of self realization.

In that regard, I'm not good at making decisions for me, and have a hard time functioning unless I remove myself from the equation. I can advise others down a clear path, but for me my path is always covered in fog.

My skills by work experience and education include bookkeeping, clerical, and basic accounting.

I have never really been in love, or loved. So there is that, in that you could be the first and hopefully only one to love me in a romantic sense. My heart may feel deeply, but when it get's hurt, it takes alot of time to heal.

When I feel, I tend to feel deeply and honestly, and have a strong emotional intelligence, so I know why my emotions are the way that they are. I view thoughts, feelings and intuition, as sensory data that comes from within, in comparison to sensory data that comes from without:touch, sound, taste, and sight. My views on life are based upon a combination of unbiased reasoning, observation of the world around me and those in it, and direct life experiences with a dash of intuition.

Being affectionate, giving and sensual, is very much apart of my nature and I actively desire to be pleasing.

My sense of humor can range from witty, to sarcastic, and on occasion even dry, but I'm more of a comedians comedian.

Being in nature, or a good pleasant garden, recharges my inner batteries. If I avoid it for too long, it is like something inside my soul shrivels up. It happens so gradually, that most of the time I don't realize it, till I'm in the appropriate environment to recharge.

Affection, respect, consideration and care, are the bedrock of any relationship. Much like with a plant, affection is the water that keeps the relationship alive. Respect is the pottery that bounds the relationship. Consideration is the soil; and Care is the light that gives the relationship sustenance.

Desiring a career driven, affectionate, strong/confident woman who is seeking a more domestic partner to fill her life with love, and help alleviate stress.

Ideally, I'm hoping for a courtship that leads to marriage.

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