
Hi, I’m young guy looking to find a long-term partner.
I am a Man
From Milpitas, California, United States
Age 22 y.o.
Height 5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
Body type Cuddly
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Atheist
Marital status Single
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Education High School graduate
Speak English
Smoker No
Drinker No
I look for a woman, 18-23 y.o. white/asian for marriage, relationship, romance
Preferable height 5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
Preferable body type Very Cuddly
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

Hello, I’m Lawrence and I’m here to look for a soulmate who I plan to spend my life with.

My personality:
I have a very cheerful and sweet personality, although I also have a dark sense of humor as well. I'd generally describe myself as geeky, especially when it comes to gaming and collectibles. I also have a strong connection with nature, and love to explore the outdoors, mostly from an observer's perspective, (although I'm definitely open to becoming more hands-on with that kind of thing.) I am also very interested in exploring my feminine side.

What I can provide:
I am a very good listener. I will help you vent and sort out your thoughts to make good decisions. I am also good at cooking, and I like to clean as I go. I have a lot of interests and will keep you company during whatever you like doing to the best of my ability.

My “love languages”:
27% Quality Time
23% Physical Touch
23% Words of Affirmation
17% Acts of Service
10% Receiving Gifts

What it takes to feel comfortable:
I definitely need a strong emotional connection with a person before I can start feeling comfortable, but I am more than willing to pursue a wide variety of endeavors towards romance and intimacy after enough time. Before that can happen, I need to share a lot of close secrets with someone, and realistically see a connection that will last for the foreseeable future.

Best date ideas:
-Nature photography adventure
-Picnic at the beach
-Zoo, aquarium, or museum date
-Cooking date at home with a movie
-Shopping date at a thrift store
-I'm open to a lot of stuff, just ask

Important topics:
I'm not a very politically-active person, and I would consider myself a centrist. In general, I am very supportive of people's rights, but I am usually not one for taking action. I'm also not very religious. I've been raised as a Christian, but I don't follow religion very closely, so I consider myself an atheist. I am not planning on having kids, and I can't actually have biological children, but I am open to it if it felt right.

About my ideal partner:

What I’m looking for:
I don’t really care for traditional gender roles, so I’d like a partner who is better at taking charge in a relationship. I want someone who is more of a tomboy, but also a bit of a geek as well. I also want someone who can comfort me, and is comfortable expressing things she genuinely likes about me. Essentially, I want someone who can both complement and compliment my personality.

What I need:
One of my weaknesses in a relationship is feeling lonely, so I need someone who is attentive. I have to be very close with my partner, and I need someone who generally shares my interests, and is open to trying new things.

Physical traits I find attractive:
I like a partner who is tall, at least close to my height, but preferably taller. I like a big cozy body that feels good to cuddle up against. I find glasses and tattoos to be really attractive. It's okay to be a bit different, as I tend to be more attracted to a woman's look once I grow closer to her emotionally.

More photos of me:

  • Just a smiling selfie
  • Comfy photo
  • Out in the wild wearing a mask

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