
Let's Grow Our Own Food and Raise Godly Offspring
I am a Man
From Plainfield, Wisconsin, United States
Age 47 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman, 18-34 y.o. any ethnicity for marriage
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

An extremely well educated family man who wants to raise as many Godly offspring as possible. I love God (יהוה) and His Word (The Bible). While I have only begun to partake of it, I love living in the country and growing my own food. My age is 52, but I am younger than my age.

Only message me if you love The Messiah.

I really enjoy putting some logs into the firebox of my Amish built wood stove, which I installed, myself, and heating up the place to 70, 80 or even 90 degrees when the weather is -20 degrees outside. I like running in the deep snow of Wisconsin almost as much as I liked running on the sandy beaches of New Zealand, California, Texas, Mexico, Peru, Panama, India, etc. I like being out in nature. Etc.

I love to surf, which is why I moved to California for over a decade, and I have surfed all over the world. A friend from NY said that Lake Michigan actually gets surf. So, I am tentatively hopeful about catching some waves this summer, Elohim (God) willing, but I will likely just kiteboard, instead.

Also, I am currently sporting a beard, which is nice and warm in the winter and easier than shaving everyday, but I might trim it prior to summer. :-)

About my ideal partner:

A woman who loves Elohim (God) and values family, children and motherhood; who wants have and help to raise as many children in The Way as we can. She should be Ruach (Spirit) filled and like living in the country, reading and talking about God's Word (The Bible) and working together to get things done.

She understands that family, people and relationships are more important than career, wealth and material possessions. Despite its offense to the culture, she studies and tries to live out the admonitions for her laid out in Yah's Word (The Bible).

BTW, I am fine with educating (homeschooling) our children, myself; taking care of the house and farm; etc. if you want to maintain your career after marriage, since I have been doing that quite well, myself, for the past several years, already. If you would like to be a stay at home mom, that is fine with me, also. :-)

Could you be my future bride? Let me know.

More photos of me:

  • Surfing
  • Kiteboarding
  • Surfing
  • Camping

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