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Hello how are you doing today??I hope you are a great day.
I am a Man
From Spokane, Washington, United States
Age 60 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

I'm a hard work, very caring , very loving very faithful when I'm in a relationship.Im a very simple man who loves to cook and bake.I love anything that has to do with being out like walking hand in hand on a beach or just holding hands to yard sales.Im looking for a lady who wants to be spoiled with unconditional love or wants roses be giving to het
without being told to or her
a man take care of her need before you care of his in and out of the bedroom likes deep skin messages by candle light and soft music or who likes hot bubble baths waiting for them at the end of a long day.

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