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Hi looking for someone that wants what you want cowboy Jack
I am a Man
From Bastrop, Texas, United States
Age 60 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

I'm an artist my name is wisdom I don't have no money but I have a lot of stuff that's worth a lot of money probably a million dollars worth of stuff I don't have a job right now I'm trying to get this business going and art museum called Bastrop art museum I have too much stuff to list I have an art store already antiques and flea market stuff I sell in snow cones I'm getting ready to open up again I am looking for a beautiful woman from the inside out or from the outside either way as long as they're beautiful inside my name is cowboy Jack I hang on signal app and WhatsApp and Twitter thank you

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