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old hippie looking for his hippie chick
I am a Man
From Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States
Age 62 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: 3 months and more

More about me:

i am tired of the rat race, so i'm getting ready to retire.and chase 70 degree weather, cuz i don't like hot and cold sucks pond water so i'm building out a box van into a tiny home on wheels.my wife of 37 years past away in 2017 from cancer. i met my sweetie and we planned. to hit the road together.so i started the build on the box truck.god decided that our marriage plans after dating for 5 years just aint going to happen he wanted her.cant argue with him.his say is final. here i am alone again naturally.a poor working stiff tired of working with a couple of years to go before i can turn the key and start that chase.looking for that brave soul that wants to hang out in national forests and BLM lands watching the sunsets on the back deck.listening to some old tunes and some new tunes looking for fun things to do.hit me up.what's the worst that can happen ?

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