
I’m a single man going through divorce and live alone
I am a Man
From Peru, Indiana, United States
Age 39 y.o.
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Very Cuddly
Religion Christian
Marital status Separated
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Education AA (2 years college)
Occupation Factory worker
Speak English
Income $50,000-$70,000/year
Drinker Often
I look for a woman, 25-55 y.o. white/black/asian/latino/native american for friendship, relationship, romance
Preferable height 5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
Last login: Jan/25/2025

More about me:

I’m a single father and I get my son every day that I’m off.from work so not to often. I live alone pretty much all the time. I have lived in Peru for just under seven years and I’m in oakdale for people know Peru.

More photos of me:

  • I’m a single man going through divorce and live alone
  • I’m a single man going through divorce and live alone

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