
Super chill always a good time, let's see if we vibe
I am a Man
From Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Age 37 y.o.
Children No
Want children I will tell you later
Speak English
I look for a woman white/black/asian/latino/native american for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: Feb/25/2025

More about me:

Well I spirituality is number one in my life, I meditate daily I love to do yoga. In my free time I love to go out and dance, write music, right poetry, and read. I also love anything outdoors in the summer and I love live music. I think all forms of art are some of the world's most beautiful gifts. And anything else just ask

More photos of me:

  • Super chill always a good time, let's see if we vibe
  • Super chill always a good time, let's see if we vibe
  • Super chill always a good time, let's see if we vibe
  • Super chill always a good time, let's see if we vibe

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