
Zach_Attack allows only LuvFree users to view this photo. Please login to view the photo.

looking for that one girl
I am a Man
From Bluff City, Tennessee, United States
Age 36 y.o.
Children No
Want children No
Speak English
I look for a woman, 19-20 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

Name is zach, i am 20 years old turn 21 in august woooo. I work at walmart in JC and go to school at ETSU, just finished my third year and starting my fourth this fall, I am a digital media major and love it

I have joined this site cause i am searching for that special someone. I have been single for about 3 monthes and like the singles life but prefer to have a woman by my side

I like listening to rock music like avenged sevenfold. LOVE swimming, i would live in water if i could, I game a nite time if i dont have anything going on and have an xbox live account

Im not picky when it comes to dating, i love a girl that has red hair!!! height doesnt really matter just not like 7 foot tall lol im 6'1'' so yeah

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