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Looking for a Man with a Heart of Gold
I am a Woman
From Manhattan beach, California, United States
Age 62 y.o.
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Athletic
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Christian
Marital status Divorced
Children No
Want children No
Education BA/BS (4 years college)
Speak English
Income $70,000/year and more
Smoker No
Drinker Rarely
I look for a man, 35-55 y.o. any ethnicity for marriage, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

What I'm looking for.......
I am looking for a lifelong friend. A best friend for life. A partner. A teammate. A soul mate. A lover. Synergy and chemistry. A man who is confident, strong, healthy, smart, successful and at peace with himself and with life. A connection. Chemistry – physical, emotional and spiritual. A man “with a mind for business and a bod for sin.” I like a reliable, trustworthy, considerate, passionate, affectionate man with a big heart and someone who I can always depend on. My perfect match would be a confident man with a smart,witty,funny personality. One who is established,sexy,romantic,athletic,healthy,and loyal and ready for a serious relationship..!!!
Chemistry is very important to me. Phone calls are fine....ultimately we need to meet.

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