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She smiles at the future...
I am a Woman
From Burleson, Texas, United States
Age 38 y.o.
Children No
Want children No
Speak English
I look for a man, 21-35 y.o. any ethnicity for friendship, relationship, romance
Last login: hidden

More about me:

I am, first and foremost, a Christian woman who loves God with all she has.

Although my permanent address is in Burleson, I currently am living on the border of Arlington and Grand Prairie.

I am originally from Oregon, but have lived in Texas for 5 years and intend on staying here. I am the oldest of 8 children, and I love kids--though I don't have any of my own... yet....

My parents and six of my siblings live in Oregon, but I am totally enjoying living in Texas. I also have a brother stationed at Ft. Hood. I live on my own with my fluff-headed dog Jetta and the sweetest German Shepherd you ever met. I don't really like living alone, but I am so thankful for the roof over my head and as it turns out, there are worse things than living alone

I'm anything but perfect... I'm clumsy. I sometimes spill things. I am not always nice... BUT I love God and He loves me. Each day, He romances me into His arms, and that's where I like to stay. His love flows through me.

I love people--especially children. I love animals. I love to protect, save, and love anything or anyone that is too weak or small to take care of themselves.

I enjoy hanging out with friends, playing the piano, scrapbooking, going to dog parks, going to church...

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