Cozmicwof blog posts
by cozmicwof,Feb/22/2025USE WHAT WORKES. Many tips to help you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. goto search. Find as many as you can. And send a message like this. 2. Hi there. Fancy a nice chat. Copy the message and send it to everyone. 3. You can see when they was last one. Id send messages to anyone on over the last 2 weeks. 4. This website as more people in ... Read the whole post
by cozmicwof,Feb/22/2025HI there wonderful. I'm doing fine thax. >>> LOL A USA man just said steady about those ( Lady boys ) hahaha >>> I replied steady about those phone wobblers asking £200 as soon as thay get ya email. HAHA
I concerned.
by cozmicwof,Feb/17/2025I noticed when I click who's online there's very few. Dose this program not show all who is online. Dose it filter to the parts of the wold you accept!! Don't let it put you of reader. Ladies have talked to me. and do.
by cozmicwof,Feb/16/2025Ummm One dating site got me allot of ladies wanting me in emails. Waning cash repeatedly. I came to two more sites this oen and another. And for some reason it was email Then thay would say in the Philippines Send me cash for Mobile phone camcorder so we can see each othere. £200. Funny how two said the same. Both I said no too because I'm broke at the moment. And both asked again for cash. ... Read the whole post
by cozmicwof,Feb/14/2025Listen poor lady. 1. Some men are like that . Some men are young. there learning what ladies like. Some like it =some don't. 2. There certainly not all like that. Some are descent and nice. Caring. 3. Some will chat you up hurt your feelings. Others want. Its filtering though experiences who is the right one. Its not really to walk a lady down the garden path and dump her at the end. ... Read the whole post
by cozmicwof,Feb/04/2025A beautiful lady came online. She appeared to like me. Over time she decided I must look after her. And marry her. We got on well. But She wanted to see me on her camcorder. To keep InTouch that way. It was being fixed so she asked for cash to get it fixed. With in hours she was band from for asking for cash. A sad story indeed.
DESCRIBE LOVE and Relationship.
by cozmicwof,Jan/30/2025Ill try describe love in one line. 1. Love is when two people want each other. Car and support each other. And trust each othere.
by cozmicwof,Jan/30/20251. Begin by saying Hello there. Fancy a nice chat. 2. Ask what there intrests are. And when thay say this resond well. Like o thats cool. My intrests are hicking. 3. Ask them about what type of music thay like. And them tell them the type you like. 4. If thay live local Ask if thay would like to meat in a caffee to talk ferther. 5. If thay live far away. Its to take it slower to get to ... Read the whole post