Debbie1214 blog posts

  • Debbie1214

    problem solved

    by Debbie1214,Dec/03/2018

    I was alerted by a kind friend that no one could leave a comment but fixed it so now you can leave me comments as I fixed it. thank God for people like my friend who alerted me to this problem.

  • Debbie1214


    by Debbie1214,Dec/03/2018

    I dont know whats wrong with the blog; I checked it out after learning that no one could leave a comment. hmm will have to check this out further.....

  • Debbie1214

    its almost my birthday and christmas is on its way!!

    by Debbie1214,Dec/03/2018

    Merry Christmas everyone. I would like a big stocking, or two, with a man inside for a Christmas present. hahaha but seriously, I could use some interactions with a man who is looking for a true friend and more if at all possible. I am true to my man, honest to a hilt, and if you have good humor I love to laugh. Looking for the right man.....where could you be? :D

  • Debbie1214

    Hello and Good morning to you

    by Debbie1214,Aug/27/2018

    Does anyone really read these blogs?

  • Debbie1214

    Hello Men

    by Debbie1214,Aug/26/2018

    So, how are you today? If you are looking for a friend to chat with look me up. Its so hard to find someone in my area but I am up for conversation with you men. I have nothing but time on my hands and will reply if you send me a message. thank you in advance, Debbie. :D

  • Debbie1214

    Good morning to all you men!!

    by Debbie1214,Jun/03/2018

    what do you guys think about this site? Have any of you been fortunate enough to get a date? Am newer to the idea of dating, its been a while. Has it changed all that much? Hope you guys have a great day!! Leave me a message, or leave a comment here on my blog. Love to hear from you men! :D

  • Debbie1214

    just another day

    by Debbie1214,Jun/01/2018

    Good morning to everyone!! I just love it when someone leaves a comment, so please do! How is everyone? I am enjoying life, a cup of coffee this morning, tv, and reading from here comments left by you men; please feel free to do so. Have a wonderful day guys!! would love to hear from you

  • Debbie1214

    what to do

    by Debbie1214,May/26/2018

    wonder if I should go back to sleep or have another cup of coffee

  • Debbie1214

    Good morning

    by Debbie1214,May/26/2018

    Are you as lonesome as I am? Do you long to take a woman in your arms and just hold her?

  • Debbie1214


    by Debbie1214,May/24/2018

    ARE YOU ''HIM''?

  • Debbie1214

    Looking for a possible Mr. Right

    by Debbie1214,May/17/2018

    Hi. How are you all today. Today is my first real day as they check you out for 2-12 hours. Anybody want to chat?

  • Debbie1214

    what i am up to at this moment in time

    by Debbie1214,May/16/2018

    Hi. Any of you men find who and what you are looking for on here? I am new to this site tonight. i am currently watching a movie titled 'The Transporter" with Jason Statham. Have you ever seen it? Any of you just want to talk? :D

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