Ericaxtine blog posts

  • Ericaxtine

    I Need Some Advice and and Answers..?

    by ericaxtine,Jun/06/2010

    I need some advice and and answers..? I met someone here, an Italian guy from Verona, Italy. He's the first one who show some interest to me until we started to make some conversation and he became my bf. We're chatting for 3months.. We talk everyday and both of us are aware of our times. He is very different other guys whom i met in dating sites and chat rooms because this guy was very ... Read the whole post

  • Ericaxtine

    Letting Go

    by ericaxtine,Feb/17/2010

    Letting Go by Judy Burnette How do you walk away from someone you love And take the road of friend; Can you reroute the course you have taken And start over once again? I don't really want to let you go But inside me I know I must; The times we've loved . . . the times you've left My heart says stay . . . but it's my mind I must trust. We have shared so much together Laughter . . . ... Read the whole post

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