Muchpry blog posts

  • Muchpry


    by muchpry,Aug/01/2014

    women usually want to get acquainted to bring flowers, while the flowers,..the epitome of cool introduction of fragrant flowers to love, but are reluctant to give flowers holding continues, will wither ... mean breaking up with the love,, if afraid of love break up. ,, **** with me without carrying flowers, will be eternal. pls wait.. lol :) :D :lol:

  • Muchpry

    there is a school of love???

    by muchpry,Sep/27/2013

    --- no love school.. the exist that there is a practice of love,,.. please LIST for women to practice love with ,,,,muchpryy...LOL.. :) 8) :lol:

  • Muchpry

    pearl of love

    by muchpry,Sep/24/2013

    ---- if pearls hoarded,. will be nice and beautiful, its circle,.. --------------------------------- ---- ----if pearl of love,.. do not be buried in your heart not beautiful,.. out rounded the abscess in cheek,.. do not hoarded your love, give me your love, and i hold love, hmmm,.. and receive your love, ooops... yess.. pls call me.. mmmucppr?? LOL,, :) :lol: :P ... Read the whole post

  • Muchpry

    friends love and

    by muchpry,Aug/23/2013

    ..... between love and lust, often said to people take it, love receiving lust,. means love is a friend of lust, such as normal human,, ... Among women friends with men .. or like you want to be friends with me,, call pleas,, I would like especially to love or lust, :) :? :roll:

  • Muchpry


    by muchpry,Jul/10/2013

    if you miss!!.. rather than leaving chatty better leave love or chatty say love,, call to me,. ... muchpryyyyy, ... LOL :!: :?: 8) :P :D

  • Muchpry

    5 mountain pretty dangerous

    by muchpry,Jun/02/2013

    -----yahoo news,. according to 'edmund' 5 pretty dangerous mountain to climb,,, namely mountain, 1.siula. 2, everest. 3, k2. 4, wanda. 5, mont blance,. .. This mountain climbing there is always dangerous to human casualties, ........................................................ --------according to,; 'muchpryyyy', .. 2 mountain pretty small, harmless ie 1, mountain, left, and 2, ... Read the whole post

  • Muchpry


    by muchpry,May/30/2013

    - A study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that the women talk three times more than men. In one day, the average .............................................................. ---- Reinforced by the opinion,. prof. muchpry, of un-iversity , Confirming the results of the research, find,. maybe her lips more than one,. please you guessed it, ... Read the whole post

  • Muchpry


    by muchpry,May/29/2013

    -men and women real is people are not arrogant, and not nosy, restrict the rights of others, ... .. ................. - Men and women real is arrogant,.... destruction approaching,.... forget self,..... standing, alongside a road,? (Naked)? like who wants to be raped, .. .... ........... ......... -Instead of standing, ... alongside a road,? Tell yourself ... Read the whole post

  • Muchpry

    dream and stepping

    by muchpry,May/01/2013

    ---very easy, life is only a dream,and its difficult real life continues after dream continued stepping, ---if the dream together in love, only power, can step, let unobstucted ocean wide, big montains,. can step, !! only small mountains do not need to step, !!.. because it can be approached between a smile and angry, if angry,.. I'am sorry and give up.. ;-)

  • Muchpry

    love the distnce and the montain

    by muchpry,Dec/17/2012

    it is true, people say love knows no status, age and distance, far or near, vast oceans and high mountains, ... ..... though far, people who love romance hit,,, determined,,,; * Does not, it means a far,. land between the length of the reach, will be done my the way, .. * Does not mean vast oceans, ... will I crossed,, * Does not mean big mountains or high mountain, .. I'll skip the mountain, ... Read the whole post

  • Muchpry

    act of love

    by muchpry,Nov/23/2012

    one male, like the act of love, ... with fine words and cheerful for you,, hi, hey, honey, sweety, .. not like someone, with that said, .... LOL,, yes,, yes,, heh,,huh..hooh,,,. normally it .. if a person has romance. if you are a woman,,. more refined and fun, what love action for me.. LOL

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