Protrusile blog posts

  • Protrusile

    In a previous life

    by protrusile,May/26/2013

    In a previous life I must have pissed off God in a big way...Hell I am paying for it now. In the last four years I have lost my home (I was made redundant) PPI refused to pay. My beautiful partner/wife of 18 years ran off with another guy leaving with our two young sons at the time one was 18 months old the other just 5 years old. I have had to stop work to take care of them but now life has hit ... Read the whole post

  • Protrusile

    Only Me!!

    by protrusile,May/14/2013

    Hi everyone out there in blog land... I have not been on line for a long while two reasons for this first I had far too many ladies over the age of 60 contact me...I am not for one instance saying this is bad because it is not... however I have to remember my two small children. Secondly I have been struck down with an illness. My illness is so rare it is believed I am the only one in the UK ... Read the whole post

  • Protrusile

    To all my friends (there are not that many)

    by protrusile,Mar/11/2012

    Smile and the world smiles with you...cry and you cry alone

  • Protrusile

    Just me ... again

    by protrusile,Feb/29/2012

    Devi you make me feel as though I do not want to look any more I have found the person I have been looking for all this time so when do we meet? :D

  • Protrusile

    Is there really a partner for me?

    by protrusile,Feb/24/2012

    Thank you Vicky your comments are noted however I should point out that over the last year I have received over 2000 emails BUT and it is a big but NONE of the emails came from anyone who uses LuvFree they all came from Europe from a certain organisation who have bought my email address and are currently selling it to anyone who asks for it at 25 Euro per person you do the maths. It stands to ... Read the whole post

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