Rosemarie80 blog posts

  • Rosemarie80

    Why Not?

    by rosemarie80,Jan/10/2016

    It's a new year and we are still looking for that right person. How long are you/me willing to wait? I am putting 'me' first this year and focusing on making myself healthier, slowly incorporating exercise, and eating out to a real minimum. I believe these changes will allow me to feel better, be happier with myself and perhaps then my life will be such that the right man will also be willing ... Read the whole post

  • Rosemarie80


    by rosemarie80,Oct/29/2015

    I am so curious about something and I hope I hear back from some men who can tell me honestly what men think and why I do not hear from any of these same men. I have noticed the same men on several singles websites that I frequent and in some instances I have written to some and I can honestly say that in most cases I do not get a reply in any form. But these same men say they are looking ... Read the whole post

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