Sissy56 blog posts

  • Sissy56


    by Sissy56,Jun/28/2018

    I am so sick of men reading my profile or what used to be my profile and decided that I wasn't worth their time you know because someone's a certain way that doesn't mean you can't be friends with them and get to know them but instead you all want a baby on out and say no you don't want to be friends but you know what your guys are the ones that are losing out I'm not I know what kind of a person ... Read the whole post

  • Sissy56

    wild life vs the city

    by Sissy56,Jun/25/2018

    I live were we have a lot of bunnies, birds, coyotes and the occasional bobcat, but lately because we have had no rain the black bears are coming into Phoenix,AZ to find food. the outcome is never good for the bear.

  • Sissy56

    don't judge a book by it's cover you never know what's inside

    by Sissy56,Jun/23/2018

    I have met a bunch of people in the last few years and one thing that I have found out is this that a person can have knock out looks man or woman and be the nastiest person around and be down right ugly, and then you can take a man or woman who is plain looking like me for instance and I am one of the most beautiful people you would ever meet but you snub me and others like me. so that is why ... Read the whole post

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