Sweetyammy2013 blog posts

  • Sweetyammy2013

    Perfect guys don't exist...

    by sweetyammy2013,Jan/07/2014

    He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt ... Read the whole post

  • Sweetyammy2013

    caring for others

    by sweetyammy2013,Nov/28/2013

    The person who cares lot for others, is the one who needs more care than others. The person who makes others laugh and smile all the time, is the one who holds lot of pain in heart. The person who tries to be a good friend to all, is the one who needs a best friend for own. The person who always smiles and says 'I'm fine' is the one who is broken at heart. But still strong enough to believe that ... Read the whole post

  • Sweetyammy2013

    accept the one who hurt you...

    by sweetyammy2013,Nov/28/2013

    Never let someone hurt you twice. Giving a second chance is exposing yourself to be hurt again. If he had done it once, it’s bound to happen again. Why? Because you gave him the idea that no matter how much he’ll hurt you, you’d still accept him. All over again!

  • Sweetyammy2013


    by sweetyammy2013,Nov/27/2013

    A perfect relationship is nothing like a magical fairy tale or a lived happily ever after classic love story. It is about real people, real situations and real reactions. Every relationship goes through ups, downs, fights, arguments and irritable phases. But the most compatible couples have amazing understanding of each other’s levels of patience and tolerance. They have an amazing ability to ... Read the whole post

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