Free dating Croatia
man 52 y.o. from Podgorica - Montenegro, Croatia something very special!
Hello my Ladies, may I have your attention please to introduce myself!? Serious, real, objective, stable, well-balanced, well-born, elegant, gentleman, intelligent, skillful, many talents, temperamental, spirited, strong character, brave, courageous, bold, resolute, resolved, self sacrificed, worthy... view more
woman 43 y.o. from Nova Gradiska, Croatia me
justr me to meet some people :o..Iam 29 old...dark hear...50 kg...167cm...studing working...!I love travelling and ships...I travelled lot....and i think i am still gonna travel
man 49 y.o. from Zagreb, Croatia Anything is possible, a nd then again..
This is so stupid, cause you can't really know anything relevant about any person from these some sentences....and then they say it has to be at least 150 characters long.....yeah wright who said that you can say anything about anyone from exactly 150 characters???