Budapest Single Men
man 62 y.o. from Budapest, Hungary I look for my princess
I would like to get marry. My dream a sweet and warm family, life for ever together with my life partner. I am romantic man, who loves walk hand in hand and pampers his wife. I have got one goal in my life: to give happiness for her. If I shall see her smile that is my prize. I hope I shall ffind la... view more
man 46 y.o. from Budapest, Hungary Intellectual and instinctual, playfully serious and seriously playful at the same time
happiness, sunshine, emojis I'm looking for a monogamous, intellectual and emotional relationship that grows from a friendship. I'm not in hurry. ? I'm childish enough so I don't have and I don't want children. ? I'm generally a happy person and I like my life as it is. I can enjoy a lot of... view more
man 46 y.o. from Budapest, Hungary File not found
Searching friends, soul-mates, girlfriend maybe wife. You never known what will happen. I'm an wide-open-minded guy, really talktative, who has many hobbies, like photography, playing instruments, driving 2-4 wheels vehicles or flying things etc... Interesting literature, languages, cultures, etc.
man 69 y.o. from Budapest, Hungary love island
Valaki simogatja 1 fejem, amikor Szomorú vagyok .. Valaki tényleg ölelés ... Szenvedélyes éjjel-nappal .... Kinek érintés égési Én becsületes, hűséges, gondoskodó Kedves es man.I pozitív kilátások, es próbálja MEG Jó látni mindenben. Nagyra értékelem 1 tisztesség, őszinteség peop... view more