Houghton Dating Site, Houghton Personals

  • man 35 y.o. from Houghton, Michigan, United States Fbi open up! ?

    Here for like minded mature women who live near enough we can casually meet for a coffee or something. I'm a single father on 2 and not into rushing into dating seriously or particular needs from a women or it won't work right away. I just want to give this way a chance after rushing my 2 most serio... view more

  • man 52 y.o. from Ewen, Michigan, United States looking for a fun lady

    I enjoy cooking and watching movies. I am a die hard packers fan. I am not a big bar scenes person. I like to go out and eat. but would rather cook dinner.

  • man 38 y.o. from Houghton, Michigan, United States Are there any cool females in this area @ all?

    Hey I'm just on here for something to do with little hope of actaully meeting somebody.

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