Landrum Dating Site, Landrum Personals

  • man 73 y.o. from Landrum, South Carolina, United States Looking for just one!

    Looking for a woman to spend time with! Need the touch of a really nice Lady! Do you need the touch of a nice man? Would like to spend time when we are both available!

  • man 46 y.o. from Landrum, South Carolina, United States Smooth as ice and twice as nice

    Fun very energetic and playful ask more if you wanna know but since it want let me continue without putting in 150 character counters here you go I'm blessed very blessed down there u feel me

  • man 84 y.o. from Landrum, South Carolina, United States Just for fun

    I'm a 6 ft white male. My invalid sister lives with me since her car accident in 2009. I'm looking for ONE woman to have a sexual relationship when we are both available.

  • man 58 y.o. from Landrum, South Carolina, United States I HAVE A BIG HEART FULL OF LOVE, JUST NO ONE TO RECIEVE IT

    I have strong old fashion values and I know how to treat a lady like a lady, I would spoil her like a princess and show her each day just what she means to me to have her as a part of my life...My heart is full of love, just no one to feel it.

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