Poseyville Dating Site, Poseyville Personals

  • man 33 y.o. from Poseyville, Indiana, United States "In order to obtain something, something of equal value must be lost"

    I'm a fairly busy person without much of a social life, easily described as an oddity but very much a likeable person. Open to pretty well anyone and anything, but very set in my own ways as well.

  • woman 44 y.o. from Poseyville, Indiana, United States Looking for friends

    I'm very energetic and easy going. I love music expecially 80 rock. One of my fav songs is Momma I coming home. I love some alternative and metal. I am fit. I love to work out when i have time. I love Bruce Lee and Tony Jaa. My fav movies are action martial arts movies rock. I am christian so alot o... view more

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