Quitman Tx Dating Site, Quitman Tx Personals

  • man 68 y.o. from Quitman, Texas, United States Old-school want to talk on phone before dating

    East Texas since 1957 married 3 times and 1 son Air Force veteran worked at Tyler pipe and a Chevy man use to hunt n fish COUNTRY BOY Been single for awhile now and no responsibility holding me back Have time to start dating again

  • man 62 y.o. from Quitman, Texas, United States FarmerTan

    Acreage, house, tractor, looking for a woman who knows how to drive a four wheeler feeding Our Livestock 4 fun and enjoys the country life I am a animal lover and a man who likes living alone with my best friend/ you? Come on and enjoy the Northeast Texas country life with me we'll have a blast yeeh... view more

  • man 62 y.o. from Quitman, Texas, United States , Unique but simple renaissance man

    I enjoy music, art, farming, inventing, anything creative,,, I am a songwriter, music producer, entrepreneur, publisher, cowboy, former Marine, and I have done more and do exiting things but I am a simple man at heart,,, I am happy with myself but would love to find a soul-mate,,, more later,,,

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