Superior Az Dating Site, Superior Az Personals

  • man 51 y.o. from Superior, Arizona, United States Looking for an equal, a friend, a partner, and a companion. everyone else I loathe these things but here it goes! I am 45 and a divorced single parent. My oldest is 24 and I have twins age 17 still in my home...being raised by me, myself, and I. I love to cook and make my mom angry because I rock the kitchen. I can even clean on my own too!(shock) ... view more

  • man 39 y.o. from Superior, Arizona, United States ..

    love Sundays spent drinking massive amounts of coffee and lingering over newspapers and comics (yes, I read comics). And my Friday nights? Well you’ll just have to wait and see won’t you? Favorite Movie: An American Tale: Fievel Goes West. What can I say? I love that damn mouse and always had a thin... view more

  • man 78 y.o. from Superior, Arizona, United States OUTRAGEOUS WIT !

    Just moved to Superior. Retired Chef/Bistro owner. My PhD is in music education. Aside from cooking, I've played piano all my life at resorts, fine restaurants, aboard cruise ships & at assisted living residences. Also, since '96, I've constructed crossword puzzles published in US newspapers & write... view more

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