Yacolt Dating Site, Yacolt Personals

  • woman 35 y.o. from Yacolt, Washington, United States Looking for a good man!

    My name is Ashley, I am very opinionated, Family orientated, driven, somewhat outgoing but still shy. I can be hard headed but that's pretty much just for my goals (I'm german and Irish get over it :P). I am almost done with College. I am going to school to be a dental assistant. I may come off as b... view more

  • man 64 y.o. from YACOLT, Washington, United States WWWWAAAAZZZZZZUUUUUUPPPPP

    i am looking for a women that will love me so i can love her back :D i ply guitar/and trying violin/i like to fix pc s.fishing /outdoors type/music /i am an automachanic/boating/play whith my dogs.

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