Latest Blog Posts (page 2)
Friendship richer than "love"
by Joei,Jun/15/2024Lots of people on here don't even give it a try , an openminded one, in the HERE and NOW. Well - as the saying goes .. "You can lead a horse to the water. What you can't is just this: make the horse drink" 😊 Yet the MUSIC never ends as it is Mother Nature's endless drum beat
by PolePosition09,Jun/06/2024Some things get even better with some extra effort... joy, pleasure, peace.
This IS dumb isn't it...
by Gstark88,May/19/2024Why is it the only place I can find someone is at a damn BAR or a strip club...The internet has DESTROYED EVERYTHING. 80%-90% FAKES on ALL "dating" apps...OR they are LITERAL W....ES! This is horrible...and I DONT care. I can go for the rest of my life alone...I WILL NOT settle
Mad man because You prefer black men
by 7771215,Apr/15/2024I got hot listed,it says ,by a man according to the definition,I failed to give my email address! I don't see how,I had trouble getting into the account to start with and I must of redone it 3 x and now this man did it.I was seeking black man not white! I seen this before on live link and I do believe there is a lot of white men that are racist here! I don't want to bother doing this over again! ... Read the whole post
by Geelyn,Apr/02/2024It's because God raised our savior Jesus Christ from the dead to wipe away our sins that we can declare, "He is risen." 🙏 ❤
Life questions you need answers to? Ask me
by synergy,Mar/14/2024Do you think some questions in Life are difficult or impossible to answer? Do you need someone to help you through a complex life problem? Ask me I can help
by Geelyn,Mar/09/2024The TRUE Meaning of LOVE is Give and Take. 😘 😘 😘
Say what you mean and mean what you say
by Glenda72278,Jan/12/2024There are some on here that want to call you a liar. I'm no liar. I'm brutally honest but most can't handle my version of truth. Some will say they don't judge. But they do. Some will say that they are an open book but when you ask about a certain chapter in their life, they close off (unhealed) and then the block you? This is a dating site. It is meant to find 'the one'. How can that be done ... Read the whole post
new beginnings
by realrobustlady4u,Jan/12/20242024 and we get a chance to start over again in our quest for happiness which for me requires 1 good man. Where are you? 😏
special opportunity
by realrobustlady4u,Dec/29/2023This lifetime is much better with a trusted partner. I need a manfriend who gets me. We each an asset to one another. Not timid nor afraid of the truth. Aren't you curious?:)
pursuit of happiness
by realrobustlady4u,Nov/20/2023Do not be shy quality guy of my dreams. Let's be thankful enjoying one another. Who wants to be happy?
Look into My Eyes and See the Truth...
by INTP_CA,Nov/10/2023The made up saying," Eyes are the window(s) to the Soul," is utter Nonsense and repeated by fools, those who don't think for themselves and who don't even noticed the obvious. The eye or eyes is/are one of the many sensory organs. Many living things have eye or eyes. The utter Nonsense, "One can tell who the other person is by looking deep into their eye(s)." Just shows how gullible people ... Read the whole post
Consciousness exist in the Mind (Self). & The Body is Only one's Phycial Identity.
by INTP_CA,Nov/10/2023It's our body not our consciousness that give us our identity it is the only tangible aspect that has ever differentiated all the species in the world. Needless to say a sense of the body is also ingrained in our DNA. - (Quote from "Assassin" a 2023 American Sci-fi action film - directed by Jesse Atlas.)
by Geelyn,Nov/09/2023Wondering what's up with you now?? Hope you are find and healthy. I just wanna hear from YOU 😘
Local only please.
by realrobustlady4u,Nov/01/2023seems very few men on this site stateside. Please be an honorable gent and a south west coaster 😎 😎
Important Famous Quotables For Current Time. #2
by INTP_CA,Oct/23/2023“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” — Henry Kissinger