Lovecraft blog posts

  • Lovecraft

    an enjoyable job

    by lovecraft,Nov/23/2015

    For me when it comes to the type of job that i dream of typically it would be a job in landscaping or grounds because those are my main interests and what i would be looking for in a job.

  • Lovecraft

    A bit of both

    by lovecraft,Nov/15/2015

    It's more of a bit of both for me because one i do like to sleep in but sometimes it's a good thing for me to go to bed early and wake refreshed such as when i have to go to school or work.

  • Lovecraft

    A long time ago.......

    by lovecraft,Nov/15/2015

    The first time i fell in love was a long time ago when i was much younger and also a completely different person at the time as well. The person i fell in love with was very important to me but as life can be at times things change she moved away far away but i still keep that person in my heart where they belong.

  • Lovecraft

    I would spend it wisely

    by lovecraft,Nov/15/2015

    For me i would spend some of it on things i really want such as things that i would buy to fuel my own interests and the rest i would put away for safe keeping.

  • Lovecraft

    that's a hard one to answer...

    by lovecraft,Nov/15/2015

    It would be hard for me to answer sense i love both cats and dogs. So it would be very hard for me to choose one or the other but if i had to choose one it would be cats because sometimes i have a personalty similar to that of an cat.

  • Lovecraft

    typically through my own friends

    by lovecraft,Nov/15/2015

    I usually get acquainted with people through my own friends but sometimes it is with people i work with during the day. Or people who are involved in a group or club that i am part of.

  • Lovecraft

    something simple but also still quite romantic

    by lovecraft,Nov/14/2015

    Something very simple but also still something that is still quite romantic. Such as an candle lit dinner somewhere special that suits me and the person i am with quite well.

  • Lovecraft

    anything that invoves scinece , history , and horror

    by lovecraft,Nov/14/2015

    The programs i enjoy the most are typically of science, history, or horror and i base them off my own interests that also include those three.

  • Lovecraft

    I have more then one

    by lovecraft,Nov/14/2015

    For me i have more then one talent i am not just good at art but almost any kind of art i do pretty well at. I am also quite good at making things with my hands which i also enjoy doing as well.

  • Lovecraft

    class, work, and other random tasks

    by lovecraft,Nov/14/2015

    For me an ordinary day for me would involve class,work,and other tasks that i go through out the day though sometimes other things get thrown into the mix but usually it is a little more less complicated.

  • Lovecraft

    I specialize in two different occupations

    by lovecraft,Nov/14/2015

    I specialize in two different occupations but only one that i have a job in which is grounds keeping and landscaping , the other occupation i have is of an artiest which is more of something i do on my free time.

  • Lovecraft

    yes i enjoy it quite a bit

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    Yes i do, I enjoy making presents for others such as art and other things which I am good at with making with my hands. Sense to me sometimes i think that a homemade gift or present can be even more important if it was made for someone who you care about.

  • Lovecraft

    yes indeed

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    When it come to something i am proud of i would say i am proud of my current life and the person i am at the moment, As in the past there were aspics of my life i was not that proud of but at this point, It is a different story as i have turned my life around in more then one way.

  • Lovecraft

    A new talent that i have yet to make use of

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    FOR me it would be a whole new talent that i discover on my own that i would aid me in my life even more then all of other talents.

  • Lovecraft

    I like to sleep in but when needed i can get up earlier.

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    I am the kind of person that likes to sleep in sense i can be quite a night owl at times, However i am able to get up earlier such as for school or work as it is required for me to get there on time.

  • Lovecraft

    not at the moment but that is something i would like again eventually

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    Right now no but, eventually i would love to have another pet or two in the near future i am a animal lover so i would make me happy indeed.

  • Lovecraft

    sometimes not always

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    For me it would depend on how much i was hurt and even more so if it was not the first time. To be honest if i was that important to that person why would they want to cheat on me and break the trust that we had built up together?

  • Lovecraft

    something i've been thinking about for a while

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    For me it would be in a country where i can feel at home in my environment, One such place would be Ireland because it is the land of some of my ancestors so i think i would feel at home in a country like that.

  • Lovecraft

    we used to have pets

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    Up until about a year ago we had two golden retrievers as pets, We had them for more then ten years they were sisters as well.

  • Lovecraft

    I love collecting things

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    When it comes to collecting things i would say yes sense , it is something i enjoy, And for an example i have a large collection of fossils from my state of Florida and other oddities and rocks from out of state such as alabama,georgia,and a few other states.

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