Lovecraft blog posts (page 2)

  • Lovecraft

    I like all animals

    by lovecraft,Nov/13/2015

    To be honest when it comes to if i like cats or dogs, I really just like them both sense i enjoy either one and all other animals as well, As this is just how i am.

  • Lovecraft

    I value many things in a woman.

    by lovecraft,Nov/11/2015

    When it comes to that i value many things in a woman such as intelligence which is actually notable one. Beauty sense it makes the person stand out to me. A sense of humor because it makes the person more like able for me at least. The last thing i value in a woman is a sense of understing.

  • Lovecraft

    working on my cooking.

    by lovecraft,Nov/11/2015

    When it comes to cooking for me i can only make simple foods. However i am doing my best to improve as i discover more foods i like that i can eventually learn to make myself.

  • Lovecraft

    I like to save money

    by lovecraft,Nov/11/2015

    When it comes to that i prefer to save my money and spend it when needed on things i need not as much on things that i would want as much. Such as food or clothing.

  • Lovecraft

    family and friends

    by lovecraft,Nov/08/2015

    When it comes to something i am proud of , I would say that i am most proud of the life i have at this point which is because of all of my friends and family, That i hold dear so yes i would say i am proud of that.

  • Lovecraft

    A good question indeed

    by lovecraft,Nov/08/2015

    For me when it comes to that i want to be able develop more of a talent which involves working with people more. The reason for that is because i sometimes have issues working with people around me and i want inprove on that as much as i can.

  • Lovecraft

    I specialize in many different things

    by lovecraft,Nov/08/2015

    I specialize in many things but mostly i am mostly skilled at art and it's many different forms. I am also very good with working with my hands anything physical is something i am good at.

  • Lovecraft


    by lovecraft,Nov/07/2015

    I hope to one day soon find a girl who i can spend my life with one day soon. I have lived my life alone for many years and now i am ready to find someone who wants to do the same.

  • Lovecraft


    by lovecraft,Nov/07/2015

    I have been deeply thinking about my life and realizing that it is not all that empty but , i am still missing something important.

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