Rore blog posts

  • Rore

    Been here

    by rore,Dec/18/2020

    Hi its been awhile since my last blog post here. something that i badly needed right now for my soul, heart and mind ?... I have meet a wonderful guy here but actually ive meet alot here just online. never had the chance to meet someone in person. in reality someone to be connected with and someone that will make me realize that its really legit the real love story that meet online and came true ... Read the whole post

  • Rore

    Just want to bent out!! 😊

    by rore,Aug/21/2018

    It's been awhile since i write a blog. I just feel like i need this again.. i've been in this site for awhile now and everytime i have this connection to someone after some letter exchange they stop.. why??? That's why i also stop send lettet cause it feels like i am insirting myself to his life.. i don't want to send something to "him" that i am so into him.. i want a man will do some extra ... Read the whole post

  • Rore

    i made this on my day, 01-30... about what i feel on my day

    by rore,Jan/31/2013

    it's my day i turn 28 this day but it seem like it's not my day cause i feel like super empty and down.. even my own mother who gave birth of me forget about my day and my bothers as well they just remember seeing the reminder on their apps. i feel super down and empty right now... it's been awhile since the last day that i make and write a blog here and super sad that i haven't found the man for ... Read the whole post

  • Rore

    why is it hard to have real happiness?

    by rore,Sep/11/2012

    it's been awhile since i come online i was very preoccupied in terms of emotions, mind troubling, facing reality of life my daily life and that include my responsibilities. all i can say one thing that makes me say that i am happy about and with no regrets of committing or having that is having my child. shes my driving force to live my life to have a normal life. but aside of that there is no ... Read the whole post

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