Snowflake Dating Site, Snowflake Personals

  • woman 42 y.o. from Snowflake, Arizona, United States Hey there

    I'm just thought i get on here, to find a loving caring sweet girl whom would like to have fun with me, and my world, to take her out and spending time and listen to her, cooking and going on the road, spending the nights under the stars and camping, I want a girl that want to be loved, someone whom... view more

  • man 38 y.o. from Snowflake, Arizona, United States Mr. Perfect Can Bite Me

    I am divorced, lonely guy looking for a truly wonderful woman to accept me for who I am. I have a weird sense of humor and love a lot of the subgenres of Metal. I draw, and write short stories to fill the loneliness. I play a bit of guitar and drums. To shy to play with anyone though, cause I am se... view more

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