Latest Blog Posts (page 52)
hello every 1
by sxyred645,Jan/12/2013hello friends just wanted 2 take the time and thank everybody who been praying for my momz she doin a lil better but continue 2 pray for her she not 100 but doin better from my heart thanx everybody keep praying for her
be nice and be happy
by lynnn,Jan/09/2013every day i make smile when im chatting to my favorite friends and they made me smile and laugh thank u so much luvfree coz im happy now,,,,once again thak u all of my friend i move on now from my broken u guys.....muah muah tsup....tsup...tsup...
One of those days…
by Anoni,Jan/06/2013Have you ever had one of those days when nothing goes right? Have you ever had a nightmare in the midst of broad daylight? Did your car not start this morning? Did you lock yourself outside? Were you having a bad hair day and you wanted to run and hide? Were you trying to hang with the crowd and found you were out of sync? Did you blurt something out today before you stopped to ... Read the whole post
by Anoni,Jan/06/2013HI, I'm new to the site and just wanted to share a little about myself. First, I was married twice (both of my husbands were White), and unfortunately my husbands were military and that is where they lost their lives. It has been a while ago and I have moved beyond it. It has taken me 9 years to decide to get back into the dating scene. That was a personal choice and not because of a lack of ... Read the whole post
All I have is me… :D
by Anoni,Jan/06/2013I can’t offer you a movie star or playmate of the year All I have is me I can’t offer you a perfect life or promise you only cheer All I have is me I can’t say that you’ll get rich and never feel a pain All I have is me I can’t promise you sunshine and never a drop of rain All I have is me All I have is me Offering you true love and devotion All I have is me Accepting your ... Read the whole post
by redsquare,Dec/23/2012as the song goes, 'and so this is xmas', well to me its just another day, with noone special to share it with it's a drag, but with dark nights and poor TV on top, but my tv card is broken anyway so thats irrelevant! It's tempting to think everyone else is happier at xmas but it's not really the case, a lot are struggling with money this time or relationships or lack of them. How people with kids ... Read the whole post
full frontal hugs
by gentnsv,Dec/17/2012My "The business about kissing!" post failed to elicit any response. Let me try one more time before concluding there is no live woman left on this site. :-) When a woman offers up a full frontal hug, pressing her breasts firmly onto the man's chest, is she signaling sexual interest? :-)
love the distnce and the montain
by muchpry,Dec/17/2012it is true, people say love knows no status, age and distance, far or near, vast oceans and high mountains, ... ..... though far, people who love romance hit,,, determined,,,; * Does not, it means a far,. land between the length of the reach, will be done my the way, .. * Does not mean vast oceans, ... will I crossed,, * Does not mean big mountains or high mountain, .. I'll skip the mountain, ... Read the whole post
The business about kissing!
by gentnsv,Dec/16/2012Women can talk about kissing forever; and they seem able to tell from a kiss if "there's something there", or not. :-) I'd love to hear from the women here what you feel and think about when kissing; how you "kiss back" to send a signal, or initiate a kiss when the guy's just too "shy". Peace out. :-)
fun fun and more fun
by darkandincharge,Dec/16/2012Sometime there's no need to look for love love will find you if the time is rite so I feel like if you are jus looking for some fun fun and more fun then I'm your girl let everything else jus happin and live your life to the fullest and don't worry about love it will come in time good luck to you all;-)
poem named: invictus
by Angel81,Dec/09/2012Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole,i thank whatever gods may be from my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance i have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the horror of the shade, and yet the menace of the years finds, and shall find me unafraid. ... Read the whole post
Eternal Regret
by 4NoOtherReason,Nov/29/2012Too many times in our life we take the wrong road. Every decision we make, every thought we dismiss, all takes us in a direction, a direction we choose. With this knowledge, I give you this short story. ...' Eternal Regret Tenth grade As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "Best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair and wished she ... Read the whole post
act of love
by muchpry,Nov/23/2012one male, like the act of love, ... with fine words and cheerful for you,, hi, hey, honey, sweety, .. not like someone, with that said, .... LOL,, yes,, yes,, heh,,huh..hooh,,,. normally it .. if a person has romance. if you are a woman,,. more refined and fun, what love action for me.. LOL
Love and distance
by luckyme5530,Nov/18/2012Love has no face nor colour (ethnicity), jealousy, selfishness...Love is honesty, respect, sharing etc... It was written somewhere (an awesome book)! Anyhow we gathered here to find a friend first then see where the conversation would lead us. It's not as easier as we think but let's try, this dating site to which I am thankful is giving us for free the opportunity to keep in touch with men and ... Read the whole post
keep mi momz in prayer
by sxyred645,Nov/03/2012hello everybody sorry i haven't been on for awhile bt mi mother iz sik i will b answering all mi messages az soon az possible please hang in there wit me ive missed talkin 2 u all please keep me nd mi momz in ur prayers that she makes it thru this difficult time shes on kemo nd dialisis (i know i missed spelled dat) i really love mi momz so please keep her in ur prayers thanx nd just bear wit me ... Read the whole post
Philosophical Sympathy vs. Empirical Faith
by Waxer,Oct/26/2012Philosophical Sympathy vs. Empirical Faith Since joining this website I have had numerous requests from absolutely wonderful and beautiful ladies, each asking if they could get to know me better. Each one of these ladies immediately referred to finding their; “true love’, “soul mate”, lover and ultimately their husband. Why me? You see we have been matched, based on our personality profiles, ... Read the whole post
- love
by PrincessArlene24,Oct/23/2012Sometimes I wanted to be loved and to love... But I'm afraid.
Gods Angels
by HeAvEnSeNt,Oct/20/2012I love God very much. Due to the fact that I beleive in him, and seen wonders of his work. When someone see you on the right track they will try their best to tear you down, either undercover or right in your face. Note this, No matter whatever they try to do, Their is always an angel around you. That will be there to carry u and help you through any and everything that you do, or what situation ... Read the whole post
Not Just Any Gift
by HeAvEnSeNt,Oct/20/2012Ive been in many relationships in the past but nothing quiet like this. Many people have been hurt in their lives including me. But I didnt allow the hurt and anger to come into any relationship that I come upon. When someone finally finds that special gift Called LOVE. They dont want anyone or anything to take it away from them. :)