Thir13en_Ghosts blog posts

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    John Harris – Birth Certificate and DVLA corruption and enslavement of the population.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Jan/10/2020

    John Harris – Birth Certificate and DVLA corruption and enslavement of the population.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    My car has been stolen today.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Jan/10/2020

    I was woken this morning by noise outside my house and I looked out of my window to see my car being loaded onto a highab for having no tax on the vehicle, that's my livelihood gone, not only that it also had a brand new angle grinder in it which has just cost me £84, I only bought the car a few weeks ago for £695, I'm shocked, gutted and in total disgust at what the DVLA have done to me despite ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    My love

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Jan/09/2020

    I will always love and cherish the one I love until death us do part, the sacred vows of marriage I am a true believer in, it's a pity my ex wife didn't view those vows the same as me.through the good times and the bad times no matter what I will stand by my vows.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    This site is boring me.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Dec/02/2019

    Every time I come back nothing has changed, no new blogs, nobody answering any blogs, no messages, no likes, no one is talking to anyone else here, it's really boring me, we need to change that and start talking to each other or we'll never get what we came here for, as the old BT ad says it's good to talk.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    Too many men.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Nov/23/2019

    I get the impression from this site that the men outnumber the women 10 -1 It's clearly apparrent every time I click on the "Online" link, all online members are always men, not much use to a man looking for a woman :shock:

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    Our indoctrination has been going on for decades on a global scale.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Nov/18/2019

    Doing what is commonly thought to be the right thing doesn't mean it is right but I agree with you that on the socialism side of things,Socialism doesn't work, it' a complete failure of true justice, but going back to the point of it being commonly thought to be the right thing to do, there's been a conspiracy going on for many decades to indoctrinate people into believing what they are doing is ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    We must learn to excercise our rights.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Nov/06/2019

    Here's a perfect example of me excercising my rights, 3 days ago my new car was wheel clamped and big bright yellow notices were placed on the windows, UNTAXED VEHICLE but they picked on the wrong guy this time, immediately I removed their unlawful notices, Then I went into my garden shed and came out with my angle grinder and proceeded to cut off their wheel clamp, later I did some research and ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    Hello ladies

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/28/2019

    Please feel free to contact me, I won't bite, I promise lol, I'm a good honest man and I like helping people, I run my own debt advice group to help people because a lot of the alledged debts today are fraudulent claims from various corporations like water authorities, TV licensing and parking fines, all governed by statute law but here's what most people don't realise is that staute law is ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    Acure for cancer

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/27/2019

    Apparently there is a cure for cancer, not sure whether to beleieve it but there's some very good advice given in this video. "1 Spoonful A Day Stuns Oncologists"

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    The Common Law court

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/27/2019

    the common law court fights for the rights of the people, the common law court has a number of cases at the supreme court right now and the common law court have challenged the supreme court with a case saying that the common law court is superior to the supreme court, the supreme court refused to hear the case because they know the common llaw court would win because in a common law court the ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    Why Thir13en_Ghosts?

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/19/2019

    Why the username Thir13en_Ghosts? because I'm a horror movie fan and this is definitely one of my most favorite horror movies, it's very high tech and it's got some truly awesome scenes in it and a good storline to boot, you can watch the trailer.

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    There is a cure for cancer.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/15/2019

    Something I would like to share with the people of this site is that there is a cure for cancer with a success rate of 98%, it's called GC Maf, the reality is that cancer is actually no more serious than a bout of the flu considering the cure that is now discovered and was being produced by David Noakes and he was such a nice guy that he was giving this to stage 4 cancer patients for free but now ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    Where is my precious beloved.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/12/2019

    Where are you darling? I'm here for you, I shall worship, adore and protect you from anything and anyone who seeks to do you harm, come into my arms and feel the warmth of my love, when you are away I shall cherish every moment I spent by your side until you are back in my arms once again, my heart skips a beat when you reappear and I am filled with gladness, forever and always yours, I live for ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    Good with computers and internet security.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/12/2019

    In many ways I am a knowledgeable guy, I have good knowledge of the best free browser addons for privacy and security, I use a paid for antivirus and have never had anything get through my defences, I can go to sites where other people are blocked and get useful programmes and browser addons for free, after all why pay for anything when you can get it free? there are other things I can do that ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts


    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/11/2019

    What is life without music? music puts out your personal feelings to others, it displays you're own inner wishes and what you want from life, it shows how loving and how gentle you can be, it can describe you, it can show how you feel about those you care for, it can show your ineer emotions, it can make you happy or sad, what would you do if music was to be censored? music is the food of love, ... Read the whole post

  • Thir13en_Ghosts

    When I first fell in love is was like a miracle for me.

    by Thir13en_Ghosts,Oct/07/2019

    She was big and fat but I was head over heels in love with this woman, I lived in sin with her for 14 years before I finally married her, I wanted to be in absolutely no doubt that I was doing the right thing in marrying her but it wasn't meant to be, 4 years later I discovered she wasn't as committed to the relationship as I was because marriage is very sacred to me and should only be done once ... Read the whole post

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