WildnightRcalling blog posts (page 2)

  • WildnightRcalling

    "Proper swimming attire", part 3 fiction fantasy based on true principles

    by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025

    "baaabaay's comin home" "Daphne, I can not explain how in a place with no time, where when I am in that place I don't even remember I know you, I will find the RIGHT timing to rush to your aid, anymore than you could explain to me how to become a beautiful woman"! Daphne looked into those large dark almond eyes, of the being struggling to escape her grasp, and starting to succeed at the ... Read the whole post

  • WildnightRcalling

    "Proper swimming attire" part 2 fictional fantasy based on true principles

    by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025

    "good ole lover thing" He became aware, it just happened, he tried to gather his bearings, location, time, but this place had no occurrences that one could use to mark times progression. He was treading dark water, it did not take much effort, he felt very buoyant, he became aware that he was feeling very euphoric. He looked around, there was some light here, but no source of this light, ... Read the whole post

  • WildnightRcalling

    "Proper swimming attire" a fictional fantasy based on true principles part 1

    by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025

    "IT is always a shock to a predator to realize it is the prey...." The ceiling began to glow, as if it was a light source, on a variable switch being turned up, until it became a blinding orange light filling the room. Daphne could see the light through her eyes, as she forced them to stay shut. THEY WERE HERE, normally when this happened, dred, panic, filled her, this time was different, ... Read the whole post

  • WildnightRcalling

    Jaded, over cautious, leery, nervous, untrusting of other's

    by WildnightRcalling,Mar/03/2025

    A true story. I was 16, had no idea whom I was, what I wanted, not highly attractive, very insecure, I had made it a point, to spend time listening to every word females said, mostly not so great one's to be polite and honest I was a fry cook, I had gotten my high school equivalent, made more than min. wage, 1980, or so. On May Ave, OKC, OK, a drive in, open to view kitchen area, a ... Read the whole post

  • WildnightRcalling

    Deception, I am expertly trained in said..

    by WildnightRcalling,Mar/03/2025

    You'd think being a super skilled deceptive person, I would use the skill... And I do, I use it to spot self deception... Almost all of are totality is self deception, or at least my life was.... No one admires, one who claims to be great at deception, no one sees that, seeing how deceptive one is, is the greatest advantage a being can have... I am always thinking before I speak, ... Read the whole post

  • WildnightRcalling

    Contradictory actions, statements and their rewards...

    by WildnightRcalling,Mar/03/2025

    She said, "I want a man that will love me UNCONDITIONALLY!" Her shock was apparent as I walked away. She was very attractive, she expected the response she usually got from men, as if it was the effect of a drug, and I totally ruined the BUZZ ..... she spoke to her pocket, cursing men, and myself as I walked away smiling, happy... She thought she wanted unconditional love, And did ... Read the whole post

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