WildnightRcalling blog posts
A sexual experience I had, from a clinical point of view, with hindsight as a aid.
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/13/2025Ok, I am going to describe a situation that I encountered in the area of "Sexuality", as clinically as I can. Back story: 1st, as a male, having heard so many females complaining about "minute men", in sexual experiences, leaving them unsatisfied. I did not want to be that guy. The Guy who receives great pleasure, yet gives only the reward of unfulfilled pleasures. So I worked at ... Read the whole post
When you own a nightclub, you see things...
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/13/2025One, ladies are much more responsive to the owner of a facility, than just another working joe, drinking in said. Next, because as the owner, they are more willing to open up verbally, you have more access to information. 70% of the ladies, I spoke with, where in relationships they claimed they did not like. Almost all of these, made a personal choice to return to that situation they ... Read the whole post
Now for something TOTALLY different....
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/13/2025All my posts seem to draw only male readers, and male's comments. So time to switch topics. Hummmmm What topic? Clothing? ? ....?
Stevie Nick's, Anne Wilson.....
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/11/2025Stevie N, refuses to play certain songs, no matter what her paying patron's want.... So go kick rocks Stevie, if all you care about is yourself.... I can see old ladies sing poorly at any old folks home, good luck with your upcoming poverty! I saw Heart, just recently, in California... To see Anne W. In a wheel chair, looking half dead, barely able to sing, taking multiple breaks, to ... Read the whole post
Reducing love to numerical probability to have reasonable expectations
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025So, let's say hypothetically, I am the best, greatest candidate for a female's reasonable satisfaction...(Hypothetically of course) Let's calculate my odds of finding what I seek. 1st, rich , poor , attractive or not, I only have a interest in a very few females, let's say .1%, is a fair guess from my experience. This greatly limits my chances. 2nd, most of the .1% that does interest ... Read the whole post
Friends list... Something strange is going on 'round here
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025A clear sign that a profile is a scam... Woman, females have a tendency to have other females as friends, it's easier to talk to those you have a connection with. On this site I have not seen one female profile that has another female in their friends list! This is a abnormality, I have not looked at the male profiles, but I bet some of them have male friends, in their friends ... Read the whole post
So with all this time, I started to study myself
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025I honestly reviewed the places in my history I felt happy... Looking for the missing link to HAPPINESS... I could find no link... One time I would be happy in a miserable situation, the next time I would be miserable in a great situation... There seemed no logic, rhymes, rhythm or cause and effect. I kept searching... Finally I realized I had the answer all along, but because I ... Read the whole post
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025So at about 30 yrs, I realized how to exist without having to go to work, and make someone else rich from my labors. It seemed as if, I hit the ultimate jackpot, SEEMED being the important word. The first few years, I did whatever I wanted, but I quickly ran out of entertainment, when you can afford to entertain yourself any way you choose, for as long as you choose, you tire of all the ... Read the whole post
Whiskey neat...
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025In my day, You were treated like a SISSY, for having water in your whiskey, or a back to follow your whiskey with... Now all alcoholic beverages are candy flavors, come in jello desert flavors.... Yep, it's all flavored for adult children. Sugar is bad, dairy is bad, etc.... Everytime I am in the VA, I am tested for diabetes, cholesterol, and every time they are in shock, how I am so ... Read the whole post
Why I voted for trump...
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025Democrats, Republicans, all serve the bloated monster government that even itself admits to losing control/oversight to 400 billion dollars a year. Trump is going to fix government, fix inappropriate spending, yeah and my wang is 220' feet long! What Trump will do, is put so much pressure on institutions such as SSA, that the only way they can react is to attack recipients. To retaliate, ... Read the whole post
The story in her eyes....
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025I work hard, long hours, not to acquire pay, but for myself. Sometimes I just need a break, from the countless scientific documents, theory, ECT... So I shaved, threw on some Drakkar, and headed to our local watering holes.... Tired of watching the human drama/comedy, I was finishing my Stella A., and looking forward to the walk home, I was content. No I hadn't met a lady, yes I was ... Read the whole post
Do you have chestnut trees? Looking to purchase some fresh cutting's
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/09/2025Contact me if you have any for sale please. Must be fresh cutting's to remove a substance called eschilon, that used to be used as a laundry whitening agent.
Human nature is like water/electricity, it seeks the path of least resistance.
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/08/2025In military intelligence we learn obvious things, things that should be taught in preschool. This creates a inequality between person's from military intelligence and other's, a knowledge inequality, that gives us a great advantage as to manipulation of other's to do what we want them to.... If I find something I want you to ignore, or for you to choose a less productive path of my ... Read the whole post
Do you understand how these free dating sites work, who owns almost every single one?
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/07/2025Being I like more than a woman's body (Don't get me wrong, that part is great), I was always drawn to artistic representations of the naked female form. But I found pornography not interesting, it did not showcase, any beauty but physical, I wanted to see their other attractive parts of non physical nature's tooooooo. So I read a lot, I'll read everything I can about a subject, all points ... Read the whole post
Respect of one's resources, Air conditioning...
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/07/2025The part of the world I live in has two seasons, not as hot and very hot, that's it. In February (northern hemisphere winter's coldest), it sometimes get down to 40 F at night, this year, the lowest has been 42 F. "Snow birds flock here, for the two or three tolerable months, then fly home, when by March temp's start reaching 90-100 F). You can imagine weeks, months of 115 to 118 cost you ... Read the whole post
I watched the nightly news, I am very sorry I did...
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/07/2025You know how it works, "A bait subject is used". And at the end of sitting through 25 minutes of commercials, and stories you get 1.3 minutes at the end of the program, that you actually wanted to see THE BAIT SUBJECT was, "1,000's of American's using AI chatbots as friendship, romance surrogate's". As former military intelligence, This scared me to death... Everyone they ... Read the whole post
"The date with Infinity".Story Supplement (Daphne meets the Nagual)
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025Want to go on a date? "I am really not interested, your not my type", Daphne replied. I didn't ask if I was your type, I asked if you wanted to go on a date? To ask where I would take you, to know if maybe that place is your type of place, would make more sense, he said. And walked away... She looked at the short, slender man, he looked ancient, yet also like he was barely 18, he was ... Read the whole post
"Proper swimming attire", part 5, fantasy fiction
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025*Daphne's dream* Her eyes opened, it was over, they had won. She rolled over to wake the Nagual, but she was the only one in their bed. And the dogs were just staring at his empty space with longing eyes.... Something had gone wrong, she could not feel him, anywhere... She let the dogs out, more like forced them to leave the self imposed vigil for him, as she went through every ... Read the whole post
"Proper swimming attire", part 4 fantasy fiction
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025The Nagual had been lost for millions of years, or maybe a second or two in this place. The light here seemed to be getting brighter, but brighter than what, brighter than when, another wave of euphoria hit him, he wanted to dive below that dark surface so badly, so he started to fill his lungs with breath to do so, just as his lungs half filled with air he felt something constricting his ... Read the whole post
"Proper swimming attire", part 3 fiction fantasy based on true principles
by WildnightRcalling,Mar/05/2025"baaabaay's comin home" "Daphne, I can not explain how in a place with no time, where when I am in that place I don't even remember I know you, I will find the RIGHT timing to rush to your aid, anymore than you could explain to me how to become a beautiful woman"! Daphne looked into those large dark almond eyes, of the being struggling to escape her grasp, and starting to succeed at the ... Read the whole post